Three Different Types Of Funeral Services That Might Be Exactly What You Need To Say Goodbye

Posted on: 21 June 2021


Funeral services are hard for everyone involved, and so it is important that you find a type that suits the majority of those who are attending. After all, you want this to be a positive experience in the long run, and different families will have different expectations and needs. A traditional, open-casket or burial funeral might just not work for your family. There are many other different types of funeral services that you can have organized by a multitude of industry professionals you will find just a phone call away. Here are three different types of funeral services you might want to at least consider.


Cremations are becoming more popular, but they are still secondary to traditional funerals in the US. For many, the ability to release the ashes in your own time, at a special location, is much more meaningful than having a grave that is static and a little impersonal. Cremations offer a bit more of a human touch that really resonates with those who have a more spiritual or special connection to a particular place or feature. Everyone should at least consider the idea of cremation, but remember to make sure that it does not go against the wishes of the deceased. Some people are very particular about how they want their body taken care of, and it is so important to not go against these wishes.

Celebration Ceremony

Celebration ceremonies are also seeing an uptick in popularity as more and more people want to do away with the somber funeral services of old and instead celebrate the life that was. There is time for grieving, but there should also be time for joy and happiness reminiscing how the loved one touched each of you in their own way. That is the theory behind a celebration ceremony, but before you choose this, make sure it is a consensus decision. It takes a particular type of family and friend group to do this funeral service, but for that audience, there is no better experience.


A visitation is different from traditional funeral services in a few ways. First of all, it is much less formal and often held in a house rather than a church or funeral home. The body is also not present, as it is more about grieving with others than having the actual dead body as the focal point. This makes it much easier for some to express their emotions and connect with others. It can also be done quite long after the burial itself so that people have time to process their feelings better and can say what they really mean. 

Reach out to a funeral services professional to discuss you options.